It has come to my attention recently that some of my work has been sold on secondary markets and I have had inquiries about the provenance of various pot I have made in the past, so I would like to try and clarify what was made where and when.
From 1980 to 2006 it was my pleasure to spend summers working at Old Faithful Lodge throwing and glazing pots in the Gift Shop, where I built a high fire (2400 d.) gas fired kiln in the courtyard. This kiln was torn down and rebuilt in a cabin near the Lodge in 1988. That kiln was used until my tenure was up in the fall of 2006. I believe that, as with many objects sold in the P
To help identify and date my work I will describe the stamps, signature/date on the bottom with the accompaning photos. I have been signing and dating my work since becoming a professional potter in 1978. Starting in 1980 most of my yearly output was sold in Yellowstone. In the summer all were fired at Old Faithful. In the fall I would move back to my studio in Bozeman, throwing and firin
In the early 90s I started stamping the bottom edge of the pot with my name and were it was fired. Those made in my Bozeman studio have C. SHEEHAN BOZEMAN MT. The ones made and fired at Old Faithful have C. SHEEHAN OLD FAITHFUL.
Since 2007 I have continued working producing pottery at my Bozeman studio supplying select Gift Shops in Yellowstone and Bozeman each summer through 2022. I also spend a few weeks throughout the summers as a Guest Artist at Old Faithful Inn through the “Inspired by Yellowstone” program, including 2023. I hope this answers questions for collectors. Thanks for these many years of support.
This mug was signed with permanent marker on the bottom after the last firing of the Old Faithful Kiln., "Last Kiln at O. F. '06 C. Sheehan" in addition to being stamped C. Sheehan Old Faithful and signed in iron before firing. It is in Carl's permanent personal collection.
Fire Hole Pottery
4069 Linney Road, Bozeman, MT 59718, US